Pellegrinelli Arreda is an official Driade retailer in Milan and Cesate. When visiting the showrooms, you can see for yourself the quality of the brand’s offerings.
Founded in 1968 by Enrico Astori, Antonia Astori and Adelaide Acerbi, Driade is an aesthetic laboratory that finds the central theme of its philosophy in the continuous search for beauty in living.
Furniture for the home, the workplace, the outdoors and even for public spaces make up the company’s rich catalogue. Driade’s proposals are not just pieces of furniture, but objects of art and everyday use designed to enrich not only the environments but also the lives of those who own them.
Extravagance, freshness and originality are combined with timeless elegance to create an alchemy of sensations and languages that are impossible to find elsewhere and that make the brand and its products unique in the world. The craftsmanship of the details, together with the industrialization of the production processes, moreover, allow Driade to offer furniture and accessories of incredible quality.
The collaboration with Italian and foreign artists, designers and architects allows Driade to freely express its openness to new ways of conceiving furniture, design and art that have always distinguished it: the stimuli and signs coming from outside are perceived, internalized until they are translated, first on paper and then in reality, in daily creations.
Thanks to his creative spirit, often eccentric and extravagant, but never out of place, Driade has managed to conquer the whole world and now can count on official shops and retailers scattered across the globe. Among the latter, there are also the Pellegrinelli Arreda showrooms, official Driade retailers in the Metropolitan City of Milan.
Pellegrinelli Arreda: Driade offerings in the retailer’s catalogue
Chairs, tables, sofas and armchairs, beds, bookcases, storage units, furnishing accessories and proposals for lighting: the Driade catalogue contains everything a living space needs to transform itself into a home.
Born from an idea by Philippe Stark, in collaboration with other designers, the Lou Read, Lou Speak, and Lou Eat chairs are some of the most sought-after armchairs of the brand. Made of leather and hand-stitched, these chairs find space in refined living rooms, studios and even bedrooms.
Ercole e Afrodite, on the other hand, represent the most surprising side of Driade, the one capable of surprise you and leave you speechless. In a perfect union of decorative art, historical language and production technique, Driade Lab proposes a bas-relief with classic shapes that fit as an ideal furnishing object to create eclectic and sophisticated environments.
Impossible not to mention Rever, a product from the Driade collection created by the ludovica + roberto palomba design studio. Rever is a versatile sofa, soft and generous in its curves and proportions, which, as the name suggests, draws inspiration, especially in the slightly padded edges, from the lapels of the jackets.
With the help of the designers and sales staff who work with Pellegrinelli Arreda, customers who visit the showrooms in Milan and Cesate will be able to find the ideal furniture for their homes and many creative ideas to make each environment unique.
Via G. Verdi, 49 – 20031 – Cesate (MI)
Tel: 02 99065472
Via Molino delle Armi, 2/A – 20123 Milano
Tel. 02 83976993
Via Pontaccio, 3 – 20121 Milano
Tel. 02 36537519
Pellegrinelli Srl – Via Verdi 49 – 20020 Cesate (Milano) – P.IVA 08349780158 – PEC pellegrinellisrl@pec.it | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Powered By AM Partners